Creating Sports Betting Community

UI/UX Design

Mad Props


Competitive Analysis, Design System, Prototyping, User Flows, Wireframing, Handoff & QA


Mad Props is an app for social sports betting. You can choose a sport and view schedules, lines, odds, and prop bets to challenge your friends. Mad Props already has an Android and iOS mobile app, but they wanted to enhance the user experience to increase user growth and encourage more betting interactions. To achieve this, we focused on improving their social profiles, ledger, and prop cards for bets.‍


Mad Props needed to focus on how to improve and grow their mobile platform to attract new users and retain current ones.


By adding a social community and improving the usability of the product, we believe that user acquisition and retention will improve. In return, this will lead to an increase in betting activity.

We decided to break down our work into multiple projects to concentrate efforts efficiently

→ Social profiles needed a major lift, we started here as it was hidden in the menu and was not social at all, we assume that updating this feature will boost user engagement.

→ Venmo handles all payments, and user observations made by the client showed the process to be confusing, so we wanted to clarify all bet-related payments to avoid friction at a key point in the user journey.

→ Prop cards hold all betting information and can be used throughout the app. To meet the users' expectations we pushed for an update that better-tied game stats, and bet information, and boost user interaction.

We found that providing a more detailed user flow improved stakeholder and engineering familiarity and efficiency

Creating detailed flows for engineering and stakeholders gave us user journey insights early on and helped us visualize how all variations of the prop cards would fit together. Authors, onlookers, and bet-takers were all thought out.

Creating a design system empowered the business with a structured approach to product scaling and accelerated design iterations

Clear and concise sorting was added to help increase user betting, by improving hierarchy and clarity of the content

User feedback revealed a lack of understanding about what they were paying for. We needed to include both dollar amounts and a snapshot of the bet in the newly sorted feed.

Adding familiar social media elements and profiles to the main navigation, we were able to help drive up user engagement

A public profile on Mad Props allows users to tailor their experience, see their bets, or even visit a stranger's profile to view their bets. Prop cards and ledgers would not be complete without this element.

By simplifying the content, we have reduced user confusion and improved clarity by highlighting important details

The feed of bets previously had three calls-to-action (CTAs) on each card. By removing them until the detailed view of the bet and adding overlays, the feed became less complex and easier to understand.


An opportunity to improve session duration through social profile usage

We project user interaction and new user growth will increase by 8%. By updating the social profile all users can interact with this new profile and are encouraged to visit this feature to view others bets and stats.

A simplified bet creation process

The process to create a bet and share them with friends was decreased by 11% by reducing steps in the flow and removing unneeded calls-to-action (CTAs).

A design library to create efficiency

Since no design library was created we went through our updates and started one to aid the engineers and create efficiencies for future design growth for the company.

Let's work together!