Easing New Tutor Onboarding Friction

UX/UI Design and UXR

Learn To Be


Competitive Analysis, Design System, Handoff & QA, Heuristic Evaluation, Journey Mapping, Prototyping, Usability Testing, User Flows, User Interviews, User Persona, Wireframing


Learn To Be is a non-profit offering online tutoring to underserved youth around the United States. Our team was challenged to improve their onboarding experience for new tutors joining their platform. They identified a large amount of friction for newcomers to their platform and improving this became our team’s objective.


First problem being, new tutors are supposed to finish their tutor profile first before connecting to a student from the student queue, but this information is not clearly delivered. Secondly, new tutors don't know what to do after logging into the dashboard, and the current dashboard design is confusing.


If the first-time tutor has a clearer onboarding screen rather than the current dashboard then finishing their profile, finding a student, and sending a connection to their student will lead to more tutor to student conversions.

During the initial stakeholder conversation, we presented our observations, and two significant keywords surfaced: "frustrating" and "intimidating"

With initial conversations complete the first task we set in front of us was analyzing the current experience, looking for friction points that new tutors may experience and bringing them to stakeholders to invoke ideas and opinions.

Here are the key points found:

→ The dashboard left us confused and didn't cater to a first-time tutor

→ Lack of hierarchy and overwhelming UI elements on the find a student page made it unclear where to begin

→ Summarizing friction points made for an easy stakeholder handoff

Upon our initial observations, we recognized the imperative of comprehending the complete workflow spanning from sign-up to student connection

The new research from the entire new tutor flow uncovered more pain points, expanding our observations beyond just the tutor dashboard mentioned in the initial stakeholder meeting. Our analysis uncovered the need to improve the student dashboard, changing our project scope to ensure users were taken from A to B in the journey and not left at a confusing point.

Our user interviews validated initial observations and as a result, project goals were realigned to incorporate the tutor dashboard

Based on user feedback from interviews, our initial observations regarding certain issues have been validated. These include broken filters, information overload on the find a student dashboard, and unclear navigation on the tutor dashboard. Initially, the scope did not cover the tutor dashboard; however, after presenting the new data to stakeholders, we obtained approval to incorporate this additional objective.

Based on our validated analysis, we developed a precise user persona to effectively target our audience during the upcoming design phase

We gained insight into tutor personalities and needs through flow documentation and speaking with actual tutors in our interviews. This led to creating a persona that defines our design target, reflecting the ideals of our user group.

In response to a request for modeling Tailwind CSS components, we created a clear design system to streamline handoff and enhance scalability

To guide our efforts, we formulated the following design statement: "How can we facilitate seamless student connection during the onboarding process for new tutors?"

New tutors need a separate dashboard from experienced tutors, per user research. The initial design includes a progress bar, checklist, and sub-menus in the side navigation to reduce confusion.

To optimize tutor matching and deliver relevant information with enhanced flexibility, we have developed the following improvements, addressing the question: "How can we facilitate effective tutor matching for users?"

Experienced tutors benefit from a clear schedule of upcoming sessions with a calendar. A separate checklist and progress bar ensure clarity for experienced and new tutors.

Our goal is to improve tutor matching by addressing UI concerns, we did this using the statement: "How can we streamline this process for an intuitive and efficient user experience?"

We improved the find a student page by consolidating filters, adding tags, and creating a clear UI hierarchy, making it easier for tutors to use.


We tested our updated prototype right before the end of our deadline to make sure of the little we had left. Since the contract was at an end and overall feedback was more than positive with the new improvements we proceeded with handoff.

A thorough handoff to cater to our engineering stakeholder

We made sure to include our design system that mimicked Tailwind CSS, a complete walkthrough of the experience, and all files sorted immaculately.

Setting future goals based on our research and solutions

We projected a minimum of 5% new tutor conversation rate after our updates, meaning a completely fresh user all the way to a completely onboarded tutor.

Let's work together!