Rebranding Local Babysitting Talent

Product Design

Busy Bees Babysitting


Branding, Design System, User Stories, User Flows, Wireframing, Visual Design, Handoff & QA


Busy Bees is an online babysitting booking app that is designed to allow parents to easily schedule experienced and vetted babysitters in the Phoenix area. With recent growth the company found a need to add to their team and strategize how to grow their product.


Due to growth challenges, negative feedback has been on the rise, and Busy Bee must address the growing concerns to allure users.


If Busy Bee is waiting for a round of funding, then refreshing the visual design without overhauling the user experience can be an effective strategy because it provides a more efficient and contemporary starting point when building out an initial product team.

Starting our process with a rebranding

Before being brought on, Busy Bees hired a freelance graphic designer to deliver rebranding guidelines. As we initially combed through the current design, we found the original state was inconsistent, out of date, and not shaped around user's needs. Which led to the decision of using these new guidelines to create the framework for our updates.

To translate new branding guidelines we started with a design system

→ Utilizing a design system offers scalability and Busy Bees has never utilized a product team let alone a designer

→ The current product was inconsistent and using this rebrand we can offer consistency across the product

→ Startups need efficiency, a design system lays the groundwork to press on the gas and pivot through changes

Our initial efforts were focused on onboarding to encourage growth for our largest user group

Babysitters make up our largest user group. Our top priority was to decrease onboarding time and improve booking efficiency by utilizing our new design system.

The impacts our decisions made for babysitter's onboarding

→ 11% reduction in time spent accessing the onboarding process by consolidating the splash, welcome, and login/sign up pages into a single page

→ 15% reduction of the overall onboarding flow with the goal of boosting user retention and minimizing early churn rates

→ 10+ UI mistakes found such a spacing, sizing, and lack of help given in copy

By reducing the onboarding friction for parents, we can increase the chances of their conversion to paid customers

Getting parents efficiently onboard and booking was our next objective and, debatably, the highest priority. We had to ensure that we understood the user's journey clearly because we knew stakeholders aimed to introduce paid memberships in the future.

Objectives met intending to increase the startup's tight profit margins

→ 9% reduction of the overall onboarding flow with the goal of boosting conversion rates

→ Reduce confusion by adding spacing, help text, and reducing unnecessary input fields

→ Provide clear direction by updating the information hierarchy and adding a progress meter on the parent's profile

"How can we streamline onboarding to increase the rate and overall amount of conversions?"

"How can we reduce friction and increase searchability when babysitters are looking for jobs?"


Reducing the interactions to create an account improved the drop-off rates for parents

The onboarding flow for parents was reduced by 9%, resulting in a 12% decrease in users dropping out and an increase in paid users.

Consolidating the splash, welcome, and login/sign-up pages into a single page led to less user confusion

After receiving negative feedback from babysitters about the original welcome pages being "annoying" and "frustrating," we made improvements and tested them with users. As a result, we received 100% positive feedback..

Let's work together!